Learning the Smoothness of Weakly Dependent Functional Times Series
Hassan Maissoro
Journée Mathématiques et Entreprises, Paris, France, November 8th, 2022
We consider stationary functional time series where each observation is a trajectory, measured with error at discretely, possibly randomly, sampled domain points. We consider the estimator for the local regularity of the trajectories introduced by Golovkine et al. (2022) in the context of dependent observations. A non-asymptotic bound for the concentration of the local regularity estimator is derived for functional time series which are L^p-m-approximable in the sense of Hörmann and Kokoszka (2010). We also derive a non-asymptotic concentration bound for the Hölder constant estimator. Given the estimates of the local regularity and the Hölder constant, one can diagnose changes in regularity along the trajectory, build optimal recovery of the trajectories, \emphetc. Our estimates perform well in simulations. Real data sets illustrate the finite sample performance.